Orlando property management company

Orlando Property Management Horror Stories | Landlords Beware! - Article Banner

Orlando Property Management Horror Stories | Landlords Beware!

Every landlord in Orlando has probably heard some pretty terrible horror stories about bad rental experiences from other rental property owners. Perhaps you’ve lived through a few yourself.  You know there are tenants out there who can make a landlord’s life very difficult. They can make you wish you’d never invested in real estate at...

Latest Updates to the Fair Housing Act and Other Real Estate Laws - Article Banner

Latest Updates to the Fair Housing Act and Other Real Estate Laws

The Florida Fair Housing Act (Florida Statutes §760.20-760.37) reflects and incorporates the federal Fair Housing Act and is enforced by the Florida Commission on Human Relations (FCHR). If the commission receives a complaint from an applicant or a tenant, they will investigate your alleged housing discrimination on behalf of the state of Florida.  Orlando rental property owners face many federal

Security Deposits & Small Claims Court | Orlando Landlord Education

When you’re renting out an Orlando property, the last place you want to find yourself is small claims court. If you’re there, it’s likely because a tenant has brought a lawsuit over a security deposit dispute. In fact, most landlord and tenant conflicts we hear about have something to do with the return of a tenant’s security...

Pros & Cons of Buying an Investment Property in an HOA - Article Banner

Pros & Cons of Buying an Investment Property in an HOA

You think you’ve found the perfect investment property to buy, but you find out it’s in an HOA.  Does this change anything for you?  Should it?  We’re talking about the pros and cons of buying an investment property in an HOA. More and more properties in Orlando and throughout central Florida are in a homeowners association (HOA), and it can be a good...

Meeting Agendas & Notice Requirements for Orlando HOAs, Condos, and Co-ops - Article Banner

Meeting Agendas & Notice Requirements for Orlando HOAs, Condos, and Co-ops

Increasing participation in your board meetings is a great way to encourage community engagement. You want to keep the communication flowing between your board of directors and the homeowners you serve.  Your Orlando HOA or community association likely has some language in the bylaws or the governing documents that tells you how often meetings should be held and what their purposes...

Why Are Foreign Buyers Interested in Investing in Orlando Real Estate? - Article Banner

Why Are Foreign Buyers Interested in Investing in Orlando Real Estate?

Florida has emerged as one of the hottest markets for real estate investors. People are looking for investment property in Orlando and throughout central Florida because of the strong economy, the business-friendly environment, the landlord-friendly laws, and the growing population in the sunshine state.  A lot of people are moving to Florida from other parts of the country. That creates a...

Homevest: Your Trusted Friend in Orlando Real Estate - Article Banner

Homevest: Your Trusted Friend in Orlando Real Estate

With all of the property management companies in Orlando vying for your business, why should you work with Homevest Management?  There are dozens of good reasons to choose us when you’re looking for a full-service real estate partner you can trust.  Moreover, we understand that sometimes managing an existing property isn't enough, and rebuilding becomes a priority. That's where...

Rental Applications that Stand Out to Orlando Property Managers | Advice to Tenants - Article Banner

Rental Applications that Stand Out to Orlando Property Managers | Advice to Tenants

If you’re a tenant looking for an Orlando home to rent, you’ve probably noticed that the market is pretty competitive. A lot of well-qualified tenants are struggling to find a place to live, thanks to low inventory. Prices are higher than a lot of tenants expect. It feels like a bit of a rat race out there.  A lot of renters...

LLC or Your Name: Pros & Cons of How You Register Your Orlando Property Investments - Article Banner

LLC or Your Name: Pros & Cons of How You Register Your Orlando Property Investments

If you’re wondering how to structure your Orlando property investments to maximize your earnings and minimize your risk, we want to talk with you about the options.  We aren’t attorneys and we aren’t accountants. While we know a lot about this as professional property managers in Orlando, we always recommend that you talk to your...

Tax Time Benefits of Hiring a Professional Orlando Property Management Company - Article Banner

Tax Time Benefits of Hiring a Professional Orlando Property Management Company

There are many benefits to working with professional property managers in Orlando. One of those benefits, which is often overlooked, is the fact that you can count on expert accounting and bookkeeping for your investment, whether it’s a single property or an entire portfolio.  You should enjoy a careful tracking of the income and expenses associated with your...